We want to extend a warm welcome to all of you as we officially launch the 2022 European Vocational Skills Week (the Week), with the aim of bringing together all Vocational and Educational Training (VET) stakeholders from around Europe and beyond to share best VET practices and showcase the integral value of VET for all ages.
This year the focus of the Week (16-20 May) is VET and the Green Transition, in line with the EU’s commitment to the European Green Deal - the path towards zero net emissions by 2050 - and the steps needed to get there, known as the Green Transition.
Join the Community of European VET practitioners virtually on EPALE
Exchange insights and best practices on Vocational Education and Training (VET) online by joining the Community of European VET practitioners, one of many initiatives to raise awareness of the role, value and relevance of VET. Established by the European Commission in 2020, this virtual Community of Practice (CoP) is hosted on the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE). It offers an interactive platform for VET practitioners to network, exchange ideas, content and resources. It’s also useful to stay informed of recent policies and initiatives in the field.
The CoP also provides a platform for topical webinars, think pieces/blogs from VET experts, and for the European Commission to share updates. Featured topics have included the green and digital transitions and VET, online learning, new policy developments in VET and learning mobility. Spread the word to your relevant stakeholders: together register on EPALE, and request your membership to the Community of European VET practitioners.
EU Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit kicks off new EAfA podcasts series on apprenticeships
Why are apprenticeships such an important pathway for the career success of young people, and how is the EU facilitating and promoting such initiatives? Find out in the first episode of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAFA) new podcast series on apprenticeships, where European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit shares his views on everything from the idea behind the European Year of Youth 2022 and how the EU is supporting Member States in tackling youth unemployment. He also highlights the benefits of apprenticeships and the role key actors play in providing quality and impactful apprenticeships across the EU.
Hosted by Ana Carrero, deputy head of the Vocational Education and Training Unit at the European Commission, with thematic expert Andrew McCoshan facilitating the discussion, the episode, which aired on 8 February, is part of the new podcast series that aims at spreading knowledge on how to boost apprenticeships and widen their reach, while also promoting best practices.
Get to know ‘The voice of apprentices in the 2022 European Year of Youth’ at the Barcelona hybrid event
The European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA), in collaboration with the Directorate General for Vocational Education and Training of the Regional Government of Catalonia, the Fundación Bertelsmann and the European Apprenticeships Network (EAN), is organising a high-level event on 24-25 March 2022 bringing together all relevant stakeholders from all over Europe to discuss the learners’ roles and perspective in apprenticeships and to hear from different apprentices’ experiences across Europe.
The event will take place in a hybrid setup with sessions taking place in Barcelona and streamed online. Please note that only the first day of the event will be streamed online.
All you need to know about VET - new brochure is out!
Check out the newly published brochure on VET for all the latest EU initiatives on Vocational Education and Training (VET). Read the Vocational Education and Training – Skills for today and for the future brochure for a full overview of the history, the vision and the importance of VET reforms at national level, including key principles and actions to support these reforms. The brochure also looks at those EU initiatives leading the way and the assistance available to Member States in this area.
A warm welcome to our new National Contact Points (NCPs), as first Webinar for the 2022 Week debuts with NCP Info-Day
A crucial partner in the success of the Week each year are the National Contact Points, who pull out all the stops to support and promote their local VET event and activity organisers in their media outreach, and in getting the vote out for them in the VET Excellence awards, while also raising awareness of VET in the context of the Week.
A big thank you to those who have joined the Week as our new 2022 National Contact Points (NCPs)!
To kick off the NCP campaign, representatives from NCPs joined us for the first Webinar in the series of Week Webinars to find out more about their integral role, the campaign’s objectives, and the resources available to them.
Save the date! 7 March Info-session on 2022 Erasmus+ call for proposals on CoVE
The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is holding an online information session to explain the funding opportunities available under the call for proposals ‘Centres of Vocational Excellence’ (CoVE), under the 2022 Erasmus+. Learn about the policy context and priorities of the CoVE call for proposals, tips on how to prepare and submit your proposals, with guidance on the evaluation process.
This call is already open for applications in the funding and tenders portal. The Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2022 containing all relevant information is available here. No registration to the event is required. The event on 7 March can be joined at this web-streaming link.
Link your event or activity to the Week
Don’t forget to link your event or activity to the Week to benefit from cross promotions that together boost the Week and events related to it. Together, we raise awareness of the importance and value of VET across the EU and beyond. Once you register your event, you’ll have access to a myriad of resources to promote it across your community, to a wide range of stakeholders as well as to the media.
Apply today for the Week’s flagship VET Excellence Awards!
Take part in the VET Excellence Awards. Don’t wait to nominate your candidate, as application deadlines are fast approaching. Nominate your favourite candidates for the flagship VET Excellence Awards today.
Share your VET story to inspire future VET students and other stakeholders
Do you have an inspiring story related to VET practices? Share your story so others can follow in your footsteps. Upload your VET story and shine a spotlight on your VET path for others to follow.
Mark your calendar: 29 March 2022
How to organise your online event related to vocational education and training. Register here