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European Vocational Skills Week
  • News announcement
  • 27 November 2018
  • Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • 1 min read

Scuola Centrale Formazione

Scuola Centrale

Scuola Centrale Formazione (SCF) is a non-profit organisation joining together 46 organisations managing 100 VET centres distributed in 11 regions in the North, Centre and South of Italy.

We mainly work with young people aged 14-18 who are still in compulsory education. 25,215 young trainees (1,387 courses/programmes) and 1,387 trainers (2,194 staff in total). Main activities of associated partners concern:

  • Counselling
  • Vocational training, including dual training and apprenticeships for young people aged 14-17 still in compulsory education
  • Activation measures (active labour actions towards work placement) for the unemployed and the disadvantaged groups, including migrants, the disabled, ex-prisoners, etc.
  • Alphabetisation and cultural mediation for migrants, refugees, etc.
  • Our activities, at national and EU level, are therefore related to these areas in order to foster innovation and quality of our members’ actions, to develop methodologies and learning materials, to promote qualification of staff and to support exchange of best practices.

SCF took part, as promoter or partner, in 40 of EU projects up to now financed by ERASMUS+ KA1, KA2, KA3 and SPORT, IPA Adriatic, Interreg Italy/Slovenia, Italy/Croatia, LLP (Grundtvig and Leonardo), Daphne, Progress, AGIS, and Tempus thus creating a network of partners in 27 countries.

Since 2001, SCF has promoted mobility within EU programmes including Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus KA1 for 2,692 people, of which almost 1,971 young people in initial vocational training, 166 young graduates and 555 VET professionals. In 2015, SCF obtained the Erasmus+ KA1 VET Mobility.

Since 2014, SCF has also hosted 495 EU VET Learners in-coming projects.

Since 2013, SCF has been actively involved (through its national funds) in the development and testing of ECVET tools, through the pilot initiative GORES; the approach is Learning Outcomes, based strictly connected with the valorisation of technical and professional competences. A Toolkit made of 5 different tools has been created and tested with 100 young leaners and 80 trainers.

SCF is member of national networks (CONFAP, Gio.Net., OPEN Consortium, C’Entro, FARI) as well as of international ones (CEC EfVET AMFORHT).

Scuola Centrale Formazione, national association of VET providers, Italy.


  • Professional organisation or social partner