On 17/05/2022, in the garden of our school, it is planned to hold Visual Arts, Design Skills Workshops and Public Education Course (opened in our school) exhibitions, try-do workshops as well as live music performances and sportive competitions (table tennis, darts, etc.) Within the scope of vocational training, interviews will be held with people from different professions (lawyers, doctors, police, etc.) under the title of career days in the conference hall of our school on the same date.
Estimated total reach or number of participants: 1000
- vocational training | vocational education
- Tuesday 17 May 2022, 08:30 - 17:30 (CEST)
- Country
- Türkiye
- Type of event/activity
- Fair / career day
- Main audience
- Adult learners, including employees
- Type of organisation
- Adult learning school/provider
- General education school/provider
Practical information
- When
- Tuesday 17 May 2022, 08:30 - 17:30 (CEST)
- Languages
- Turkish, English
- Organisers
- Atatürk Secondary School
- Website
- Atatürk Secondary School
Atatürk Ortaokulu Bahar Şenliği
17/05/2022 tarihinde, okulumuz bahçesinde, Görsel Sanatlar, Tasarım Beceri Atölyeleri ve okulumuzda açılan Halk Eğitim Kursu sergisi, dene-yap atölyeleri ve aynı zamanda canlı müzik performansları ile sportif müsabakalar (masa tenisi, dart vs.) yapılması planlanmaktadır.
Mesleki eğitim kapsamında da aynı tarihte okulumuz konferans salonunda kariyer günleri başlığı altında farklı meslek gruplarından kişiler (avukat,doktor, polis vb.) ile söyleşi yapılacaktır.