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European Vocational Skills Week
  • Training and workshops

Budget Smartly! (trade promotion game)

Colleagues teaching in the financial profession and the students studying here design and develop a board game on the model of Budget Smartly!, which will contain information and images specific to our institution and the profession.

We want to present the game at the Open day of our institution and try it out with those interested.

The playful, creative approach can make the profession attractive to those who want to study with us, it creates an opportunity for visitors to actively get involved in the program and form a positive image of our institution.

Estimated total reach or number of participants: 120

  • vocational training | vocational education
  • Tuesday 15 November 2022, 08:00 - 17:30 (CET)
  • Hungary
  • External event
  • Hungary
Type of event/activity
  • Fair / career day
Main audience
  • Pupils / learners in general education
Type of organisation
  • Vocational training school/provider

Practical information

Tuesday 15 November 2022, 08:00 - 17:30 (CET)
Nógrád Megyei SZC Mikszáth Kálmán Technikum és Szakképző Iskola
Who should attend
Parents and families
Nógrád Megyei SZC Mikszáth Kálmán Technikum és Szakképző Iskola
Event website
