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European Vocational Skills Week
Conferences and summits

Green Bridge to VET

In the VET event we will show how the New European Bauhaus initiative connects the European Green Deal with interdisciplinary VET imaging a creative learning environment in green and inclusive schools.

Our sustainable schools are the bridge to job for the next generations in a green culture .

Students participate in eTwinning projects, Erasmus+project and national competition WorldSkills.

Students will talk about their experience, present and explain how to build together a sustainable and inclusive future that is important for VET.

Preparing the skills for the jobs of the future is reason for reinforcing greening.

Lectures and workshops will be held as part of the activities.

Estimated total reach or number of participants: 500


  • vocational education | vocational training
  • Friday 20 May 2022, 08:30 - 17:30 (CEST)
  • Sinj, Croatia
  • External event
  • Croatia
Type of event/activity
  • Conference / online conference
Main audience
  • Vocational students, including apprentices
Type of organisation
  • Vocational training school/provider

Practical information

Friday 20 May 2022, 08:30 - 17:30 (CEST)
Srednja strukovna škola bana Josipa Jelačića Sinj,Nada Ratković, prof.
Dinka šimunovića 14, Sinj, Croatia
Who should attend
Vocational students, including apprentices
Srednja strukovna škola bana Josipa Jelačića Sinj,Nada Ratković, prof.
Srednja strukovna škola bana Josipa Jelačića Sinj,Nada Ratković, prof.
Social media links
