Students from Lazar Edeleanu Technological Highschool Navodari will be introduced to the project manager of Team4Excellence Association, within Blue Generation Project.
They will be introduced to notions of Blue Economy and how can the sea provide us with job opportunities for Vet school graduates.
Estimated total reach or number of participants: 100
- vocational training | vocational education
- Monday 21 March 2022, 08:30 - 17:30 (CET)
- Country
- Romania
- Type of event/activity
- Online meeting
- Main audience
- Vocational students, including apprentices
- Type of organisation
- General education school/provider
Practical information
- When
- Monday 21 March 2022, 08:30 - 17:30 (CET)
- Who should attend
- Vocational students, including apprentices
- Languages
- Romanian
- Organisers
- Lazar Edeleanu Technological Highschool Navodari
- Website
- Lazar Edeleanu Technological Highschool Navodari
Importanța abilitatilor vocaționale in alegerea unei Cariere Albastre
Elevii din cadrul Liceului Tehnologic " Lazăr Edeleanu " din Năvodari vor audia prezentarea oferita de un reprezentant al asociatiei TEAM4Excellence care functuoneaza sub egida Blue Generation Project, in care se va evidentia potentialul oferit de zona marină in ceea ce priveste oferta locurilor de munca.
Acestia vor deveni mai conștienți de importanța pregătirii in domeniul lor tehnic/ tehnologic si mai atrasi de economia albastra.