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European Vocational Skills Week
Conferences and summits

Online (engineering, architecture and computer science) sustainability competition

At an online computer competition the students had to take tests and complete assignments about the area of engineering, architecture and computer science. In the competition the products made to be are about resources (energy, materials, tools and economics) in a way where the resources are economically used.

One of the parts of the assignments was to make concrete tools from which they had to make pictures about and upload to the cloud. Other questions had to be answer via a test format. The assignments were made with Microsoft Forms with help of the higher level students.

The assignments were graded by classes. One of the tasks included that students had to make bird feeders and computer tables out of recycled paper and wood.

Estimated total reach or number of participants: 400

  • vocational training | vocational education
  • Thursday 20 January 2022, 08:30 - Friday 21 January 2022, 17:30 (CET)
  • Hungary
Type of event/activity
  • Award-giving / competition
Main audience
  • Vocational students, including apprentices
Type of organisation
  • General education school/provider
  • Vocational training school/provider

Practical information

Thursday 20 January 2022, 08:30 - Friday 21 January 2022, 17:30 (CET)
Nógrád Megyei SZC Stromfeld Aurél Technikum
Nógrád Megyei Szakképzési Centrum Stromfeld Aurél Technikum
Social media links
