This activity has a form of PPC advertisement on social media (FB, YT, IG) and in browsers to raise
awareness about WBL importance of WBL and QA in VET for wider public and with focus on employers.
The main products for promotion are:
• Useful guide and checklist for employers on how to cooperate with VET schools to assure the best quality possible
• Guide for employers how to start cooperation with VET schools
• Information and methodical leaflet on tax incentives for employers when cooperating with VET schools
Also the training for instructors in firms is promoted to improve quality of cooperation.
As the main target group emloyers, their HR and accountants were chosen.
Estimated total reach or number of participants: 500
- vocational education | vocational training
- Thursday 30 June 2022, 08:30 - 17:30 (CEST)
- Czechia
- External event
- Country
- Czechia
- Type of event/activity
- Information campaign
- Main audience
- Enterprises / employers
- Type of organisation
- EU Agency, national / regional / local authority
Practical information
- When
- Thursday 30 June 2022, 08:30 - 17:30 (CEST)
- Where
- National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic / National Reference Point of EQAVETCzechia
- Who should attend
- Enterprises/employers
- Languages
- Czech
- Organisers
- National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic / National Reference Point of EQAVET
- Website
- National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic / National Reference Point…
- Social media links
Propagační kampaň na podporu spolupráce odborných škol a firem a praxí na pracovišti
Propagační kampaň cílí na podporu spolupráce škol a firem formou placené reklamy na sociálních sítích a ve vyhledavačích.
Pro školy i firmy máme tipy i praktický návod pro vzájemnou kvalitní spolupráci a rady pro jejich využití ve škole.
Připraveny jsou v této kampani praktické průvodce a návody:
- Praktický návod a kontrolní seznam kroků pro zaměstnavatele
- Průvodce firmy k navázání spolupráce se školou
- Co zajímá účetní a právníky
Dále nabízíme proškolení lektorů pro kurzy instruktorů.