This event has ended.
What are the data that students should not share İn socİal medİa? It İs aİmed to raİse awareness of the students about the damages that the shared İnformatİon can cause, the crİmes commİtted on socİal medİa platforms, how to use these platforms safely and the most approprİate securİty approaches.
Estimated total reach or number of participants: 204
- vocational education | vocational training
- Monday 16 May 2022, 08:30 - 17:30 (CEST)
- Türkiye
- External event
- Country
- Türkiye
- Type of event/activity
- Workshop or seminar / online workshop or seminar
- Main audience
- Adult learners, including employees
- Type of organisation
- General education school/provider
Practical information
- When
- Monday 16 May 2022, 08:30 - 17:30 (CEST)
- Where
- Elmadağ Gazi Şahin Anatolian High SchoolTürkiye
- Who should attend
- Adult learners, including employees
- Languages
- Turkish
- Organisers
- Elmadağ Gazi Şahin Anatolian High School
- Website
- Elmadağ Gazi Şahin Anatolian High School
Kişisel Verilerin Korunmasi Ve Sosyal Medya Kullanimi
Konunun bİlİşİm teknolojİlerİ İle alakali olmasi ve sİber güvenlİk konularini İçermesİ öğrencİlerİn merakini uyandirmaktadir.
Ülkemİzde bu alanda eğİtİmler lİse düzeyİnde meslekİ eğİtİm kurumlarinda verİlmektedİr.
Öğrencİler bu tür eğİtİmlerİ temelden alabİlmek İçİn meslekİ eğİtİme yönlenebİlmektedİrler.