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European Vocational Skills Week
Training and workshops

Race of the VET: the basic professional exam and the edification of domestic races

The life of the students in the VET is a continual race: every student must puss a basic professional exam and the best of the students can start in different races (e.g. Domestic War Tournament), they are the ambassadors of the VET.

Our internal communication campaign helps the students in the VET and motivate them daring to test yourself.

Estimated total reach or number of participants: 250

  • vocational training | vocational education
  • Wednesday 23 February 2022, 08:30 - 17:30 (CET)
  • Hungary
Type of event/activity
  • Workshop or seminar / online workshop or seminar
Main audience
  • Vocational students, including apprentices
Type of organisation
  • Adult learning school/provider
  • Vocational training school/provider

Practical information

Wednesday 23 February 2022, 08:30 - 17:30 (CET)
Miskolci SZC Mezőkövesdi Szent László Gimnázium és Közgazdasági Technikum
Miskolci SZC Mezőkövesdi Szent László Gimnázium és Közgazdasági Technikum
