Our students will meet professionals, entrepreneurs that studied in the past in our school.
They will be able to discuss and find out what is new in the educational system, what activities can help better the students to access the labour market.
Alumni will present their activity and the competences gain during theirstudies that helped them to have a fulfill life.
Students will present little videos with their dreams for the future.
The activity will have the form of a Living Library : ex students will be ”books” that will be ”read” by present students.
Estimated total reach or number of participants: 100
- vocational education | vocational training
- Monday 16 May 2022, 08:30 - 17:30 (CEST)
- Country
- Romania
- Type of event/activity
- Fair / career day
- Main audience
- Vocational students, including apprentices
- Type of organisation
- Vocational training school/provider
Practical information
- When
- Monday 16 May 2022, 08:30 - 17:30 (CEST)
- Who should attend
- Vocational students, including apprentices
- Languages
- Romanian
- Organisers
- Colegiul Economic Buzau
Ieri Elevi, Astazi Profesionisti
Activitatea va avea forma de Biblioteca Vie.
Fostii absolventi, actuali profesionisti vor fi ”cartile” citite de elevii nostrii.
Elevii vor pregati mici filmulete care sa reflecte profesia pe care o viseaza.
Apoi vor discuta cu fostii absolventi despre conditiile pe care trebuie sa le indeplineasca pentru a accede la aceasta, Abilitatile necesare, competentele cerute.
Fostii elevi vor impartasi modul in care competentele dobindite pe perioada scolii i-au ajutat in accesarea pietei muncii.
In acelasi timp vor consilia elevii cu privire la viitorul lor si la conditiile cerute de fiecare profesie reprezentata.