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European Vocational Skills Week
Training and workshops

Zamora Vocational Training Dissemination Days: Eva Reyero, Mechatronics and Maintenance Technician at Azucarera, an example of how Dual Vocational Training and Innovation

Eva Reyero, Mechatronics and Maintenance Technician of the Azucarera Company will accompany us during the dissemination sessions of the Zamora Professional Training.

The objective is to explain to young girls in Secondary Education what their experience as a woman in a technological world traditionally for men has been and is like.

Eva studied Industrial Mechatronics in the Dual Vocational Training modality between the IES Universidad Laboral and the Azucarera company.

During her internship, she showed that she knew and could carry out her work and the company hired her.

Watch the video "Me llamo Eva, soy Mecatrónica y trabajo en Azucarera" on Youtube.

We hope that Eva's example of success will inspire other young girls to enter the STEAM professions.

Estimated total reach or number of participants: 500


  • vocational education | vocational training
  • Wednesday 4 May 2022, 08:30 - Thursday 5 May 2022, 17:30 (CEST)
  • Spain
  • External event
  • Spain
Type of event/activity
  • Open doors event / online open doors event
Main audience
  • Pupils / learners in general education
Type of organisation
  • General education school/provider

Practical information

Wednesday 4 May 2022, 08:30 - Thursday 5 May 2022, 17:30 (CEST)
IES Universidad Laboral
Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León, Zamora, Spain
Who should attend
Pupils/learners in general education
IES Universidad Laboral
IES Universidad Laboral
