The main advantage of higher vocational education is practical education or the acquisition of concrete knowledge and skills. At the same time, cooperation with employers is extremely important.
For this purpose, the Slovenj Gradec School Center, Higher Vocational School, organizes a meeting with employers.
They will be presented with the course of practical education and will be introduced to the students' competencies, as well as exchange information about the expectations and needs of employers.
Estimated total reach or number of participants: 20
- vocational training | vocational education
- Tuesday 20 September 2022, 09:00 - 17:30 (CEST)
- Slovenia
- External event
- Country
- Slovenia
- Type of event/activity
- Employers' day
- Main audience
- Adult learners, including employees
- Type of organisation
- Vocational training school/provider
Practical information
- When
- Tuesday 20 September 2022, 09:00 - 17:30 (CEST)
- Where
- Slovenj Gradec School Center, Higher Vocational SchoolSlovenia
- Languages
- Slovenian
- Organisers
- Slovenj Gradec School Center, Higher Vocational School
- Website
- Event website
Srečanje študentov z delodajalci
Glavna prednost višješolskega izobraževanja je praktično izobraževanje oziroma osvajanje konkretnih znanj in veščin. Ob tem je izjemnega pomena sodelovanje z delodajalci.
V ta namen Šolski center Slovenj Gradec, Višja strokovna šola, organizira srečanje z delodajalci.
Predstavili jim bodo potek praktičnega izobraževanja in jih seznanili s kompetencami študentov ter izmenjali informacije o pričakovanjih in potrebah delodajalcev.